Find Renewal and Empowerment Through Therapy

A Safe and Judgement-Free Space for You

Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and renewal? At Renue Counseling, Heidi specializes in guiding individuals and couples through the transformative process of healing childhood trauma. Heidi is here to support you in unraveling the layers of pain, fostering resilience, and reclaiming your life and your relationship.

Empower Your Healing Journey:

At Renue Counseling, Heidi understands the profound impact of unresolved childhood trauma on your life. Therapy is a safe space where you can unravel the complexities of your past so you can experience happiness, connection, and purpose.

Take the first step towards renewal and empowerment. Contact Heidi today to schedule a session and embark on a transformative path toward healing.

It is the client who knows what hurts, what direction to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried.
— Carl Rogers

Recognizing the Signs Unresolved Trauma:

  1. Anxiety: Overwhelming worry, panic, and fear that hinder your ability to engage in the present moment.

  2. Depression: Lingering feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest in once-enjoyed activities.

  3. Relationship Struggles: Challenges in forming and maintaining healthy connections, characterized by trust issues and communication difficulties.

  4. Self-Esteem Challenges: Negative self-perception, self-doubt, and a constant inner critic affecting your self-worth.

  5. Emotional Turmoil: Intense mood swings, numbness, and difficulty managing feelings.

  6. Harmful Behaviors: Engaging in self-destructive behaviors like substance misuse and self-harm as a way to cope.

  7. Intrusive Memories: Flashbacks and nightmares of traumatic events that disrupt your daily life.

Couples Conflict Related to Unresolved Trauma:

  1. Communication Breakdown: Difficulties in effectively communicating emotions and needs.

  2. Triggered Reactions: Intense emotional reactions that escalate conflicts. A seemingly small disagreement might quickly spiral into a larger argument.

  3. Emotional Distance: One or both partners might emotionally withdraw, leading to a sense of distance and disconnection.

  4. Blame and Projection: Unresolved trauma can lead to projecting one's own unresolved emotions onto the partner, causing blame and resentment to emerge.

  5. Lack of Intimacy: Hindered physical and emotional intimacy within the relationship, creating barriers to vulnerability and closeness.

  6. Inability to Provide Support: Struggle to support each other effectively, perpetuating a cycle of unmet needs.

  7. Repeating Patterns: Repetition of negative relational patterns, as past wounds influence how partners interact with each other.

I am devoted to creating a safe haven for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. I firmly believe that everyone should have access to top-notch mental health care without facing any bias or discrimination. My passion lies in crafting an environment and practice that offers LGBTQ+ individuals comfort, empathy, and aid as they navigate their path to recovery and self-development. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact me today to schedule an appointment. I am here to provide you with unwavering support, regardless of your gender identity or sexual orientation. Always remember, you are not alone, and I am here at Renue Counseling, ready to accompany you every step of the way.